Coastal Sports And Wellness

Massage Therapist, Suzanne Moroney!


What Is Cupping Therapy? Uses, Benefits, Side Effects

Paediatric Chiros In Bedford from the Hands of Experts

Are you worried about your child falling ill always? Kids at young age are fragile and needs to be nurtured with care. Paediatric care is something that is inevitable in a child’s life and you need to be pretty careful of the service provider you choose.

We, Coastal Sports And Wellness are a paediatric service provider in Bedford and offer kids with specialised care along with quality nursing services. With more than a decade experience in the industry


TMJ Dysfunction – Temporo Mandibular Joint

Jaw Pain and Dysfunction The jaw (or TMJ for Temporo Mandibular Joint) is frequently unacknowledged as a source of pain in many head, neck, face, and vocal conditions. People who experience headaches, motor vehicle accidents, sport or work site injuries, often have jaw issues that can accumulate to overwhelming levels. Clenching the teeth is a very common habit during sleep, while concentrating, or from stress.

The elemental philosophy is based on the theory of yin and yang,

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Yang represents qualities of heat and dryness, external, movement, fire, brightness and daytime.

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